
Appendix 3: Discussion Questions

Chapter 1

  1. Read the title again: Alma Strikes a Chord. What do you think it means to “strike a chord”?
  2. “Write what you know.” Do you agree with this advice? Why or why not?
  3. “Stop saying But— all the time! You’re just making excuses!” What does this mean? Do you do this, too?
  4. Alma wants to write a song about falling in love for her boyfriend Quang. What is one of your goals?

Chapter 2

  1. “Is it weird? Or is it wonderful?” In your opinion, what things are both weird and wonderful?
  2. “When I think about it, I guess our meeting was a clear coincidence. Or was it destiny?” Are the words coincidence and destiny same or different? How do you know? Give an example of each.
  3. Go to YouTube. Find the song “Tiny Bubbles.” Listen to it. Do you like the song? Why or why not?
  4. Quang and Alma have been dating for 10 years. What does that mean? Is that a long time to date? What is the custom in your country?

Chapter 3

  1. Go to YouTube. Find a video of a harmonica. Listen to it. Do you like it? Why or why not?
  2. A “slash” is a kind of punctuation. It shows two sides to something. But what does it mean in this story? What is your slash?
  3. What is harmony in music? What is harmony in life? Explain.
  4. “I don’t know if I am even in love because I don’t think I know what love is.” In your opinion, what is love?

Chapter 4

  1. Not yet. I love that phrase. There is so much potential in that phrase not yet.” In your opinion, what does this mean?
  2. “Isn’t it odd how some people cross paths, but never connect?” Does this happen to you? How do you feel about it?
  3. “10 years is a long time. A person can change a lot in 10 years.” Think about yourself 10 years ago. How are you the same? How are you different?
  4. “How many times have I said ‘I never thought I would …’ but then I did? The point is, I think, that we can surprise ourselves. We do things that we don’t think we can do. Things happen that we never expect.” Can you give an example from your life?

Chapter 5

  1. Ahmed always serves guests coffee and dates. What do people do in your country?
  2. “When a person speaks English with an accent, it just means that they know more than one language.” Do you agree? Why or why not?
  3. “Some words still get me into trouble. Words are like that; sometimes they are difficult to control.” Do you agree? What words get you into trouble? Why?
  4. How do you say “I love you” in your first language? Do you use different words for different people? Explain.

Chapter 6

  1. “Soon everyone circles around us, and they throw flour in the air like rice at a wedding.” In the United States, often guests throw uncooked rice at the couple after a wedding. What wedding customs do people in your culture do?
  2. “Jump up or sit alone for the rest of your life.” This is a superstition. What superstitions are in your culture?
  3. “The tradition says that if something is bitter, then kissing will sweeten it.” Do you agree? Why or why not?
  4. Vodka, coffee, and beer are examples of bitter things. But people can be bitter, too. How?

Chapter 7

  1. Why does Alma feel nervous and vulnerable? When do you feel this way?
  2. “My mind jumps back in time. The weather makes me think of Francisco’s sunshine. My racing heart reminds me of Abdi’s drumbeat. And when I overhear Veronika’s laughter from the bakery downstairs, I instantly jump to my feet so that I do not break tradition. Each of these things reminds me of my wish, my goal, my dream—and my failure.” What are some things that remind you of your goals, dreams, or failures? Describe one.
  3. Alma wanted to write a song for Quang. Do you think Quang knew this? Why or why not?
  4. Do you think Alma is happy about their song? How do you know?

Chapter 8

  1. “Actions speak louder than words” is a popular idiom. In your opinion, what does it mean? Do you have a similar saying your first language?
  2. The title of the new art show is “What If.” In your opinion, why did Quang choose this title?
  3. Mel challenges people by saying “I dare you. Tell me what you see.” Why do you think he does this?
  4. Quang asks Alma to marry him. We call this a wedding proposal. How do people make wedding proposals in your culture?


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