
Chapter 46: College Resources

Alise Lamoreaux

Many students don’t think they have the right or opportunity to go to college. Maybe they didn’t know about standardized tests and financial aid. Maybe as high school students there wasn’t a college counselor to discuss their college options. Maybe a good paying job came along and the person went straight into the workforce. Maybe a health problem kept them out of school. Perhaps family responsibilities limited the person’s options. But now, the gates have opened and college is in the future. Disruptions in educational experiences and insufficient high school preparation result in skills gaps needed to be successful in college. Knowing and using the resources available to bridge those gaps will be important to college persistence.

Imagine life as a college student. You have signed up for a required class in the program you have selected. The professor of the class requires a graphing calculator along with textbooks for the course. You show up to class with your required materials and the calculator. The professor starts class by having students get out their calculators. You look down at the device and have no idea how to use it. The professor says that you are expected to know how to use the calculator since it is commonly used in high school, so reviewing its use won’t be part of the class. Now what do you do? You may experience self-doubt and wait to act.

  • What would your first reaction to this situation be?
  • How would you solve this problem?
  • What resources can you think of to help you?
  • What obstacles for college success might you encounter?
  • How do you feel about asking for help when you need it?

As a gateway, colleges have an entire system of resources accessible to support students in a variety of ways free of charge. Students may feel pressure to succeed on their own because of the independent nature of many college related decisions. As a student, educating yourself about all the resources available at the college you have selected to attend can help you feel part of a community that wants to see you succeed. Asking for help from appropriate resources is not a sign of failure or lack of independence. Many college students hesitate to ask for help and end up in situations that could have been prevented by talking to the right person and knowing important deadlines. Talk to someone early in the term; do not wait too long to ask for help. Learning to network and navigate is a valuable skill to develop while in college. Knowing what services are available before you are in crisis or panic mode will help you.

Colleges are concerned about providing students with support services. College students are frequently commuter students who spend less time on campus than students who are in residency. They are likely to be working and have family obligations. Almost 30% of community college students are parents, according to the Institute for Women’s Policy. Unstable child-care arrangements, for example, can impact a student’s persistence in college.

All of these challenges put students at risk of stopping their educational plan due to life events. Colleges try to develop comprehensive student support systems to help students overcome the obstacles of life and persist in college. As students, being aware of the support systems and how to gain access to the services available is a constant challenge. Students often struggle to match their problem to the right support service, are hesitant to ask for help, and/or wait until the problem is too big to handle. Student persistence and success is the goal for both the students and the college.

  • What kind of support services do you need from a college?
  • What is the best method for you to access support services?
  • Have you evaluated the support services available at your college?
  • How would you rate your digital and technology skills?

Several different models for delivering student support services exist to meet students where they are academically and developmentally. Many college students have multiple competing priorities (family, work, school) for their time. Student service models offering an integrated approach to delivering services make it easier for a busy student to access the services they might need. When selecting a college, how student services are delivered and how easily you could access them should be considered.

Tools and technology have introduced more options for connecting and networking with other students and faculty/staff. Social media, networking, email, text messaging, scheduling, chatbots, and the college website all help students communicate with peers and faculty/staff. Digital messaging about student holds, FAFSA application deadlines, early alerts and notifications, and college events communicate timely and personalized information and resources. Online learning tools, video conferencing platforms such as Zoom, the student portal, and social media are tools used to access information, stay engaged, and ensure success.

25 Key College Resources to know about

  • Academic Advising
  • Counseling/Coaching
  • Financial Aid & Scholarship Assistance
  • Tutoring
  • Library & Librarians
  • Student Health Center
  • Career & Employment Services
  • Accessibility/Disability Resource Center
  • Multicultural Center
  • Veterans Resource Center
  • LGBTQ+ Resource Center
  • Student Organizations
  • TRIO Programs
  • Cultural Resource Centers
  • Information Technology Services (Hotspot and Device)
  • Faculty Office Hours
  • Child Care
  • Parent Resources
  • Recreation Center
  • Writing Center
  • Student Activities and Leadership
  • Student Homelessness
  • Food Insecurity
  • Dream Success Center
  • Community Engagement Center
  • International Students
  • Campus Bookstore

The academic jargon of college can complicate a student’s ability to ask for help and utilize student support services. It can be hard to figure out from the name of a service exactly what kind of help would be provided by that service. For example, what’s the difference between an advisor and a counselor? Don’t they both give advice? If counselors aren’t advisors what are they? Dean? Department Chair?

Past experiences may inhibit students from accessing support services. Asking for help can feel embarrassing. In high school, students primarily use tutors when they are not doing well in a subject. Students bring that perspective to college with them. In college, tutors can be a key part of a student success plan. In college settings, free tutors staff a variety of centers designed for student success. Writing and math are typical subjects where students need extra support to learn class materials and complete assignments. Students new to college may not realize the top students in their classes are likely to be using tutoring services. Tutors are like teaching assistants. Sometimes it is hard for students new to college to understand the role of tutors and let go of past notions about who uses a tutor and why. Some colleges offer tutoring and career services online as well as on campus. The college webpages are the place to find out about the offering related to tutors for the college.

Students with limited time to spend on the college campus may look for tutoring help online via videos to watch. Several excellent websites can be found. Also, there are a variety of apps for smartphones and tablets designed to help students. Support for student success can come in many forms.

Website Challenge:

Pick two different colleges and examine their websites. Try to find the following information on each of the websites.

  1. Do the two colleges you selected have the same definition of advisor and counselor?
  2. Do both colleges offer the 25 key resources listed above? If not, what couldn’t you find?
  3. How comfortable were you navigating the college webpages to find student services?
  4. What are three student support services you might use and how do they benefit you?
  5. Did the webpages make sense to you? Is it searchable?
  6. What was your strategy for finding the information you were looking for?
  7. What information do you consider most important to you as a student?
  8. What suggestions do you have for making the website and/or social media easier to use?

Licenses and Attributions:

CC licensed content, Previously shared:

A Different Road To College: A Guide For Transitioning To College For Non-traditional Students. Authored by: Alise Lamoreaux.  Located at: https://openoregon.pressbooks.pub/collegetransition/chapter/chapter-10/  License: CC BY: Attribution.
Adaptions: Reformatted, removed quote, removed video.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Blueprint for Success in College and Career Copyright © 2019 by Dave Dillon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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