H5P activities list

This book includes 107 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
44Compressive vs. TensileDrag Text
45StrainFill in the Blanks
46Stress vs. StrainInteractive Video
47Ductile and BrittleDrag Text
48TorqueFill in the Blanks
49Mechanical AdvantageFill in the Blanks
50Range of MotionFill in the Blanks
51WheelbarrowFill in the Blanks
52Free FallSingle Choice Set
53Free-FallMultiple Choice
54Drag CoefficientSingle Choice Set
55Newton's First Law of MotionDrag Text
56Terminal SpeedFill in the Blanks
57DisplacementFill in the Blanks
58Average speed and VelocityFill in the Blanks
59AccelerationFill in the Blanks
60Elastic ModulusFill in the Blanks
61Saved by TreesFill in the Blanks
62Sliding BoxFill in the Blanks
63VelocityFill in the Blanks
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