
6.2 Revising and Creating an Open Course Pack

After your pilot term is over, you’ll have an opportunity to revise your course map, your course site, and your assessments based on your experience teaching as well as student survey feedback. Your instructional designer will work with you to review all feedback, create a realistic timeline for revision, and identify your top priorities. Your Equity-Minded Course Review document will come in handy at this point!

Your instructional designer will also help to review your course materials for accessibility according to our project standards.

Once your course materials are revised, you can choose an open license to attach to them. Your open license statement will appear on each course document link as well as your course site file. This will ensure that your materials can be appropriately attributed by future users.

Once your materials are revised and have an open license, our project team will copy them into an Open Oregon Educational Resources Google Drive. This way you don’t have to worry about maintaining access to public links in the future.

The last thing you’ll create is an Instructor Guide. This is a short document written for future instructors on how to adapt the course. The Instructor Guide Template [Google Doc] walks you through this process.

From your document links and course site file, your instructional designer will create your course pack on a custom Google site. Your course pack will appear alongside course packs from two other instructors, all of which will be available from the open textbook. This means that future educators will be able to view and adapt your materials according to the permissions you’ve chosen with your open license.

Wait, what’s an Open Course Pack again?

Your open course pack is a set of openly licensed course materials that integrate with the open textbook. Open course packs allow future educators to build on existing learning pathways that are fully aligned with an open textbook’s learning outcomes and content. Because open course packs have an open license, educators can retain, revise, remix, reuse, and redistribute them. Even further, because open course packs for this project are designed with an equity lens, they center the voices and experiences of underserved student populations. This means that future adaptations of an open course pack can promote and integrate equity-minded design.

What’s included in an Open Course Pack?

Open course packs include the following openly-licensed course materials, also called textbook ancillaries:

  • Instructor Guide (short document written for future instructors on how to adapt the course)
  • Course Map (an outline of each unit of a 10 week term, showing alignment between unit objectives, assignments, activities, and readings/media)
  • Course Assessment Package
    • Formative and summative Assignment Instructions
    • Formative and summative Assignment Rubrics
  • Supplemental Course Materials and Resources
    • Short lecture videos/scripts developed by the pilot instructor on key course concepts
    • Handouts or infographics that supplement the textbook
    • Slide decks that support student learning
  • LMS Course Export File (ie, Moodle, Canvas, Blackboard) and Additional Course Files
    • .imscc file and/or link to course export file in an institutional repository
    • examples/exemplars of openly licensed student work

What is NOT included?

  • Instructor lectures videos/scripts that they do not wish to share
  • Instructor content that is all rights reserved
  • Student work that students do not wish to share
  • Student personal data (make sure that this is not included in openly licensed course files)
  • Test banks that instructors would like to keep private
  • Files of supplemental course readings that are all rights reserved

Sample Course Pack

Coming soon!

Licenses and Attributions

All content on this page is by Veronica Vold for Open Oregon Educational Resources and is licensed under CC BY 4.0.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Equity-minded Open Course Design Copyright © by Veronica Vold is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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