
6.1 Equity-Minded Course Review

After completing your course map, course build, and drafting your assignment prompts and rubrics, it’s time for an Equity-minded Course Review. Ideally the review takes place about 4 weeks before the pilot term launch date so that you have time to incorporate any changes to the course. Sometimes there isn’t time to build out the entire course before the term launches. In these cases, you and your instructional designer can review all course content that is ready (for example, your instructional designer will review weeks 1-6 and then schedule a meeting in week 4 of the pilot term to review the remaining weeks with you).

The Equity-Minded Course Review document is only 2 pages long. It is intended to guide conversation about use of the four equity-minded frameworks covered in this training. In the H5P interactive below, select the hot spot to learn more about quality design indicators in this review document.

You and your instructional designer will meet for about an hour for the review. Typically instructors share their screen so together you can tour the course site according to the quality indicators on the review document. The instructional designer starts at the top, shares each quality indicator, and either notes that it’s present or notes what is being worked on for the future. These notes will serve as a starting point after the term is over, when you begin revisions on content you’d like to share with your course pack.

Licenses and Attributions

All content on this page is by Veronica Vold for Open Oregon Educational Resources and is licensed under CC BY 4.0.


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Equity-minded Open Course Design Copyright © by Veronica Vold is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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