1.6 Setting Goals for Instructional Design Consultations

Before you begin design consultations with your instructional designer, consider your own motivations and goals as an educator at this point in your career.

A line drawing of a tree with a thick trunk, roots, and leaves.

  • What matters the most to you about teaching?
  • How do you want to improve?

Meeting with an instructional designer is an opportunity for intentional engagement with your own growth. If time allows, you can track your personal reflections in the Roots and Growth Jamboard to share with your instructional designer. You can review frameworks in this module to consider what matters to you and your goal-setting.

Next, consider these reflection questions for anti-racist course design from Andratesha Fritzgerald:

  • What decisions are you making about others and for others?
  • What decisions are you keeping from others? What barriers are you designing to eliminate in secret?
  • In what areas are others least aware of your decisions? Have you examined your own awareness of power and privilege in your design?

If time allows, you can record your reflections on the Anti-racist Course Design Worksheet (make a copy and save for your own use).

Finally, based on the frameworks and strategies covered in this module, name the top three things you’d like to focus on in instructional design consultations ahead. Share these goals with your instructional designer to help them make the most of your time together.


“Power and Empowerment: Honoring By Decision and Design.” Andratesha Fritzgerald. In Designing for Justice: An Open Education Speaker Series. Accessed June 2 2023. https://openoregon.pressbooks.pub/designjustice/chapter/2-3-full-presentation-recording-and-slides/

Licenses and Attributions

“Reflection Questions For Anti-Racist Course Design” is adapted by Veronica Vold from Andratesha Fritzgerald’s “Power and Empowerment: Honoring By Decision and Design” and is licensed CC BY NC-SA.


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Equity-minded Open Course Design Copyright © by Veronica Vold is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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