
5.18 Health and Wellness

To this point, we have discussed the importance of mental health in pregnancy and during the postpartum period for the mother and infant. However, we have not discussed the potential direct effects on the child. In this section, we will discuss the effects of maternal mental health from infancy to toddlerhood on cognitive, language, and physical development. Then, we will introduce for the first time the topic of child abuse. Following this section, we will continue our discussion on the importance of nutrition and access to healthy foods. Finally, we will end our health and wellness section by discussing immunization recommendations and healthcare, followed by a safety section, and a discussion on strategies to encourage a healthy cognitive, physical, and language development.

5.18.1 Licenses and Attributions for Health and Wellness

“Health and Wellness Introduction” by Esmeralda Janeth Julyan is licensed under CC BY 4.0.


Thriving Development: A Review of Prenatal through Adolescent Growth Copyright © by Terese Jones; Christina Belli; and Esmeralda Janeth Julyan. All Rights Reserved.

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