How to Navigate this Book

Table of Contents

Every page of this book has a button labeled “Contents” in the upper left corner. You can click anywhere on that button to show the book’s table of contents. Clicking the button again hides the table of contents.

In the table of contents, you can click on a title of a chapter to navigate to the beginning of that chapter.

You can also click on the “+” in the table of contents to see the chapter’s sections and navigate directly to that place in the book.

Turning a Page

Every page of this book has a button in the lower right corner labeled “Next →” that you can click to move forward, and another button in the lower left corner labeled “← Previous” that you can click to move backward.

For example:
layout of this book on large screens, with Contents at the upper left, Previous at the lower left and Next at the lower right


Thriving Development: A Review of Prenatal through Adolescent Growth Copyright © by Terese Jones; Christina Belli; and Esmeralda Janeth Julyan. All Rights Reserved.

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