

Ana Zalyubovskiy

Ecology of Place was written to be freely used by composition instructors teaching in the University of Oregon Composition Program and other writing programs. The book was inspired or assisted at various stages by the following people, and I want to thank them. Jenée Wilde, PhD and Steve Rust PhD, whose book Culture of Science was wonderful and such a useful resource for teaching Writing 123. After teaching with the book, I was inspired to use it as a model for this one. In several discussions, Emily Simnitt, PhD, and I discussed the need for low-cost textbooks for Writing 122 and what those might look like. She enthusiastically encouraged me to move forward with the project and share it with instructors. Much thanks also to Rayne Vieger of UO Libraries, who assisted with finishing touches to get the manuscript into its book form. Lastly, grateful thanks to the University of Oregon Composition Committee and special thanks to Steven Rust and his Spring 2022 writing students for reviewing this book and offering revision comments to make it a better book.


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Ecology of Place Copyright © 2021 by Ana Zalyubovskiy is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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