
UNIT 2: Ecological Foundations and Definitions

Ecological Foundations and Definitions

Ana Zalyubovskiy

This unit introduces some of the foundational ideas, definitions and questions surrounding the Ecology of Place theme: What is environmental justice? What role do economies play in ecological disruptions? Is there a need for ecological thinking about urban areas? Does the way we form opinions impact biodiversity? Is there a unified front in ecological activism, or should there be? Should ecocide be criminalized? How does connecting or disconnecting with nature influence us?

Unit 2 Readings

Arup. “Arup Explores: Regenerative Design.”  April 9, 2020. (Video: 7:26)

Bogado, Aura and Eve Andrews. “Environmental Justice, Explained,” Grist, Jan. 26, 2016. (Video: 3:33 min)

Carrington, Damian, Paul Torpey, and Paul ScrutonThe Guardian “The Climate Crisis Explained in 10 Charts” November 4, 2022.

De Pencier, Nicholas, Edward Burtynsky, and Jennifer Baichwal. The Anthropocene Project. Anthropocene Films Inc., 2018. (Website).

Michelson, Molly. “Two-Eyed Seeing: Science and Traditional Ecological Knowledge.” California Academy of Sciences. July 14, 2022.  (Video: 5:51 min)

Eisenstein, Jimi. “What is Regenerative Agriculture?” (Video: 3:53 min.)

Elbow, Peter. “The Believing Game—Methodological Believing.” University of Massachusetts Amhurst. The Journal of the Assembly for Expanded Perspectives on Learning, 5.

Gibson, David. “It’s Ecology, Not Environmental Science,” OUP Blog, May 16, 2012.

Marks, Laura. Illustration by Irma Kniiivila. “Ask an Environmental Expert: What’s the Carbon Footprint of the Internet?” The Walrus.  June 9, 2022.

Macaulay Honors College, CUNY. Science Forward- “Urban Ecology,” License: CC-BY-SA-NC (Video: 10:04 min.)

“Interactive Map of Indigenous Land and Land Stolen from Indigenous People.” Native Land Digital. 2021. Native-land.ca.

NCBI, Committee on Noneconomic and Economic Value of Biodiversity, National Research Council; National Research Council (U.S.). Committee on Noneconomic and Economic Value of Biodiversity. “What is Biodiversity?” Perspectives on Biodiversity: Valuing its Role in an Everchanging World. National Academy of Sciences, 1999.

powell, john a. “You’re Not by Yourself: john a. powell on Interbeing,” Bioneers, bioneers.org, 2014. (Video: 20:52 min.)

Scalise Sugiyama, M. (2021). Talking Stories: Encyclopedia of Traditional Ecological Knowledge.

Stancil, Kenny. “To End Impunity for ‘Deliberate Destruction’ of the Planet, International Lawyers Drafting Plan to Criminalize Ecocide.” Common Dreams, commondreams.org, 30 Nov. 2020.

Steinberger, Julia and Georgios Kallis. “Ecological Economics Explained.” Rethinking Economics Rotterdam. YouTube. Oct. 8, 2020. (5:40 minutes)

Stevens, Robert. “Traditional Ecological Knowledge & Place-Based Learning Communities.” Humboldt PBLC, 9 August 2019.  (Video: 10:32 min.)

Storr, Will “The Story of a Self” Creative Nonfiction: Memoir, Issue 73, Creative Nonfiction Foundation, Pittsburgh PA, Fall 2020, Pp 6-9. (Request this article from your library by Interlibrary Loan)

Weiner, Eric. “How Geography Shapes Our Identity.” Trend Magazine. Pew. July 5 2016.

White, Matthew P. et al.  “Spending at Least 120 Minutes a Week in Nature is Associated with Good Health and Wellbeing.” Nature.com, Scientific Reports volume 9, Article number: 7730, 2019.


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