
An Oregon farm grows one of the most expensive spices in the world

woman standing in greenhouse

Saffron is a popular cooking spice. It is also used a lot in medicine. But saffron is also very expensive. It can cost $5,000 per pound. That is more expensive than gold. Why? Because it is difficult to harvest.

The spice comes from a dried part of the plant’s flower. It can take 75,000 flowers to make one pound of spice. And growers must harvest the flowers by hand, not machine.

Most saffron comes from Iran. But now Tanya Golden grows it in Oregon. Her farm is called Golden Tradition Saffron. It is near North Plains. She started in 2018. She received a grant from the Native American Youth Association Microenterprise Program. It helps small businesses. She also received grants from the U.S. Department of Agriculture. She combined the grants with a loan to start her business.

She has about 400,000 plants in two greenhouses, so she can’t do the work alone. She uses her aunt’s truck. And she has many friends who help her with the harvest.

Golden wants her business to make money, but that’s not all. “My business vision isn’t just about saffron and finding a way to become financially stable,” she said. “It’s about finding a way for my community to have that same stability. Because if we’re all stable, we will be stronger and we will last.”

-This story was first published in ESOL News Oregon November 5, 2021.




  1. According to the article, saffron is a popular spice. It’s used in the cuisine of many different cultures. What kinds of spices do you like to use in your cooking? Explain to your group about the different flavors these spices give to your dishes. Are the spices you use expensive or affordable?
  2. Saffron is also used in medicine. Do you know of other spices that can be used for medicine? What about aromatherapy? Smelling certain essential oils can create feelings of relaxation, energy, love, or concentration. Share what you know about the beneficial properties of spices and/or essential oils. If this is a new topic for you, do some research and share what you find with your group.
  3. The article says that Golden has two greenhouses. You can see a picture of her standing in her greenhouse. What is a greenhouse, and how does it help farmers to be successful?
  4. Golden says that having a successful business will help her community last. What is the meaning of the verb “last” here? Look up its meaning in an online English-English dictionary such as Longman. What are other things people do to make their communities last?


  1. Saffron is a unique plant to grow in Oregon. That gives Golden an advantage. What are some other unique crops that are grown in Oregon? Write about a few of these plants. How are they grown? Where are they grown? How are they used?
  2. Now think about plants that are unique to your country. What is grown in your country that is special? Maybe your country or region is famous for growing this plant and the products it makes. Give a brief description and explanation of the cultivation of each of these plants.
  3. Golden had to take several steps to achieve her dream of her own saffron farm. This included borrowing money and equipment and depending on help from her friends. Think about a dream that you had. What was necessary to make your dream a reality? If your dream hasn’t happened yet, what will you need in the future to make sure it happens?
  4. Farming is hard work, but it can be very satisfying. Would you like to have your own farming business like Golden? What would you like about being a farmer? What would you dislike about being a farmer?


Dahlgren, Kent. “Tanya Golden’s Saffron Tinted Dreams.” Www.youtube.com, 5 Feb. 2021, www.youtube.com/watch?v=U9LJXjuXdus.

Golden Tradition Saffron. (2020, March 16). Golden Tradition Saffron. https://goldentraditionsaffron.org/about/

Peck, D. (2021, November 4). The world’s most expensive spice grows on a farm in North Plains. Oregonlive. https://www.oregonlive.com/hg/2021/11/the-worlds-most-expensive-spice-grows-on-a-farm-in-north-plains.html

Saffron Production. (2020, November 23). CSIR-Indian Institute of Integrative Medicine. https://iiim.res.in/saffron-production/#:~:text=Iran%2C%20India%2C%20Spain%20and%20Greece

Saffron: Uses, Side Effects, Interactions, Dosage, and Warning. (2019). Webmd.com. https://www.webmd.com/vitamins/ai/ingredientmono-844/saffron

Photo and video courtesy of Golden Tradition Saffron



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