
Lava River Cave near Bend is open to visitors

Arched ceilings in a typical portion of Lava River Cave. The size of the passage make for easy walking.

Caves are underground spaces. They can be fun to explore. Oregon Caves National Monument near Ashland is one example. Another large cave in Oregon is the Lava River Cave near Bend.

The Lava River Cave is in the Newberry National Volcanic Monument. The cave is like an underground tube. It is about one mile long. It is the longest cave in the state. Visitors usually need about 90 minutes to hike in and out. There are 55 stairs at the beginning of the walk.

There are some rules:

  • Do not wear any clothing or shoes that have been in other caves. This protects bats from a disease called white-nose syndrome.

  • Dress warmly. The temperature in the cave is about 42 degrees.

  • Bring at least two light sources in case one stops working. You can rent a light for $5 until 4PM.

  • No pets are allowed in the cave.

The U.S. Forest Service recommends “Leave nothing but footprints. Take nothing but pictures.”

The cave is open May-September. During the summer, it is open seven days a week from 9AM to 5PM. The last entry is 3PM. Visitors need a timed reservation ticket. If you drive to the cave, there is a $5 per vehicle parking fee.

-This story was first published in ESOL News Oregon May 20, 2022.



  1. What is special or fun about being in a cave? Why do you think so many people visit this cave? What about you? Would you want to visit a cave? Why or why not?
  2. What do you think is scary about being in a cave? Why do you think some people choose not to visit this cave?
  3. Are there caves in your country? Can people visit them? Does anyone live in them, such as people or animals? Find a picture to show your classmates.
  4. The article says you need to bring your own flashlights with you. What else would you need to stay safe in a cave?


  1. The U.S. Forest Service recommends “Leave nothing but footprints. Take nothing but pictures.” Think about why they recommend this. What are things that people might leave or take otherwise? Imagine ways people have broken this rule and the consequences. Explain and support your ideas with details and examples.
  2. Another rule says that pets are not allowed in the caves. Why do you think this is? Where are other places where pets are not allowed? Why? Are there places where pets are allowed in the United States that are surprising to you? Compare and contrast the treatment of pets (animals that live with you in your home) in the United States and in your country or culture?
  3. What is lava? What is a lava river? How is this different from a regular river? Do some research on lava and volcanoes, especially in Oregon. Then use your own words to explain these concepts to someone who is learning about them for the first time.
  4. There are bats in the caves. What do these bats look like? Why do they live in caves? Do you have bats in your country? What else do you know about bats? Do some research and then write a short description of bats by thinking about the answers to wh- questions about bats, such as, “Where do they live?” and “What do they eat?”


“Deschutes National Forest – Lava River Cave Interpretive Site.” Usda.gov, 2022, www.fs.usda.gov/recarea/deschutes/recarea/?recid=38396. Accessed 17 May 2022.

“Deschutes National Forest – Recreation.” Usda.gov, 2022, www.fs.usda.gov/detailfull/deschutes/recreation/?cid=fseprd1004688&width=full. Accessed 17 May 2022.

Prewitt, Andi. “Central Oregon’s Lava River Cave Has Reopened to Visitors.” Willamette Week, 16 May 2022, www.wweek.com/outdoors/2022/05/16/central-oregons-lava-river-cave-has-reopened-to-visitors/. Accessed 17 May 2022.

The Register-Guard. “Inside Oregon’s Lava River Cave.” Www.youtube.com, 25 July 2017, www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZI0sKSvV8bI.

Image: Dave Bunnell / Under Earth Images, CC BY-SA 4.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/4.0>, via Wikimedia Commons



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