
Appendix A: Student-to-student resources

Students learn best from other students! This appendix features resources created by students for students to help them learn and apply research methods. If you are a student who has created an openly licensed resource that you would like to submit for consideration in this appendix, please email profmattdecarlo@gmail.com.

Table of contents

  1. Gyourko et al. (2020) Graduate research methods in social work workbook.
  2. Ovale, C. (2020). Mendeley guide.

Graduate research methods in social work workbook (Gyourko, et al., 2020)

  • License: CC-BY-NC-SA 4.0
  • Authors: Gyourko, J., DeCarlo, M., Cummings, C., & Agnelli, K.
  • Publication date: 07/10/2020
  • Permanent link: https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1OI3l25mR5ZjBQ6txmB4t0Nn5Dr6XPUcj?usp=sharing
  • Description: This is a workbook adapted from the version 0.9 (pre-release) edition of the textbook. Much like the exercises in each chapter, the workbook is designed to break down and scaffold the creation of a student research project. This workbook provides a condensed version of the exercises in the book in editable Google Docs, since completing every exercise may be too much work for students. Content from chapters 7, 11, and 12 have changed significantly since this workbook was adapted (from version 0.9 of our textbook) and may need to be revised to more closely align with the version 1.0 text.
  • Reviews:


Mendeley Guide (Ovalle, 2020)



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Graduate research methods in social work Copyright © 2021 by Matthew DeCarlo, Cory Cummings, Kate Agnelli is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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