
3.1 Chapter Overview

Your fieldwork begins long before your first day as an intern. Getting to know your agency begins with researching the available fieldwork sites and doesn’t end until your final day of your practicum. Your first steps involve learning about the practical aspects of your agency, such as where to park and what door to use. In this chapter, the focus is on getting to know about the whys and the hows of your agency, how it is organized and regulated, along with its role in micro, mezzo, and macro work in the community.

3.1.1 Learning Objectives

After reading this chapter, you will be able to do the following:

  • identify the characteristics of an effective agency or organization
  • increase understanding of how human services organizations are organized, regulated, and governed
  • increase awareness of macro, mezzo, and micro influences on an agency/organization’s structure and service delivery systems

3.1.2 Preview of Key Terms

  • Accreditation: the process of the organization being evaluated by an independent third party entity for conformity to and compliance with a specific set of industry standards.
  • Board of directors: a governing body of individuals who have been elected, selected, or appointed to oversee an organization.
  • Laws: the rules a country, state, or other governing body set, maintain and enforce. Violations of laws are illegal and can be punished by fines, probation, or incarceration. In the United states, there is an hierarchical structure for authority: federal, state, county, local.
  • Mission statement: the formal summary of why an organization exists, who they serve, and how they are unique.
  • Organizational charts–Charts that demonstrate who in the agency is responsible for specific duties, who reports to whom, and how the work of the agency is organized
  • Organizational culture- a shared set of beliefs and actions that are supported by the structure of the organization, strategies used, and policies
  • Regulations: the rules a governing body sets, maintains, and enforce. Violations may result in fines, loss of licensure or certifications.
  • Statutes: a law written by a legislative body.
  • Vision statement: the formal summary of what an agency or organization wants to achieve.

3.1.3 Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Overview

“Chapter Overview” by Sally Guyer MSW is licensed under CC BY 4.0.


Human Services Practicum Copyright © by Yvonne Smith. All Rights Reserved.

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