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1.1 Overview of Microsoft Excel
1.2 Entering, Editing, and Managing Data
1.3 Formatting and Data Analysis
1.4 Printing
1.5 Chapter Practice: PR1 Medical Office Budget
1.6 Scored Assessment: SC1 Sales and Inventory
2.1 Formulas and Formula Auditing Tools
2.2 Introductory Statistical Functions
2.3 Copy and Paste Formulas, and Absolute Cell References
2.4 Sorting and Filtering Data
2.5 Functions for Personal Finance
2.6 3-D References and Creating a Summary Sheet
2.7 Preparing to Print
2.8 Chapter Practice: PR2 Lawn Care
2.9 Scored Assessment: SC2 Hotel
3.1 More on Formulas and Functions
3.2 Logical and Lookup Functions
3.3 Conditional Formatting
3.4 Introduction to PivotTables
3.5 Preparing to Print
3.6 Chapter Practice
3.7 Chapter Scored
4.1 Charts
4.2 Formatting Charts
4.3 Using Charts with Microsoft® Word® and Microsoft® PowerPoint®
4.4 Preparing to Print
4.5 Chapter Practice
4.6 Scored Assessment
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Introduction to Excel for Business Data Copyright © by Julie Romey; Sherie Guess; and Gwyn J. Booth is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.