Book Title: The Politics of Sports

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Book Description: This Open Educational Resource is a collection of texts and materials that team together students’ familiarity with sports and critical inquiry skills. The Politics of Sports has the potential to capture the interest of college students in order to excite them to begin a research journey with a sense of authority and investment in a topic that is at once familiar and complex enough to yield a wide range of inquiry. Order a Print Copy:
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Book Description
Editors Carroll and Eleanor Wakefield draw on their experience guiding students to investigate sports critically and develop rich, complex research questions and related writing projects. The result is an introduction to the politics of sports as an area of inquiry that prompts students to engage with topics that may already seem familiar (and, for some students, some that are entirely new) to develop critical thinking and writing skills. When students read interesting articles, have engaging conversations, and are invited to question their assumptions about sports, they learn to think critically, write better papers, and actively engage the rhetorical concepts that will prepare them for future academic writing.
The Politics of Sports Copyright © by University of Oregon Composition Program is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
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