2 A Contemplative Moment – Javier Cervantes

Throughout the pandemic, Javier Cervantes, Director of the Department of Institutional Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion, shared daily inspirational messages with the LBCC community. Here is an example, sent on November 19, 2020:
Two days ago I wrote about unpredictability; seeing the beauty in the “cold, wet, windy, just plain gray and nasty,” day. Not even two hours after I wrote those words this happened:
My wife and partner called me into the kitchen and told me to look out the window. I am fortunate to have had my cell phone on me to snap this quick image. It completely validated my point of, “today [representing] the beauty and the unpredictability of life. We don’t really know what is coming next.”
So I leave you with this quote to close the loop on my thought from Tuesday.  So find your strength y’all and try to maintain hope.
quote: her strewngth comes from being tested by life's unpredictability
Enjoy the day, let it be an empowered one.
Javier (157)
Attribution: (c) All rights reserved by Javier Cervantes. Used with permission.


A Contemplative Moment - Javier Cervantes Copyright © by Linn-Benton Community College Employees and Students. All Rights Reserved.

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