
Gender and Power

Figure 5.1. The Wheel of Power and Control is a useful tool for visualizing how physical, sexual, and emotional violence work together to reinforce power and control in intimate relationships. (Note: This image was developed for a program that primarily served women who experienced intimate partner violence, and uses language that assumes that the victim is a woman and the abuser is a man. In truth, victims and abusers can be any gender.) What would a tool to visualize a non-violent intimate relationship look like? Image description available. Image description.

Contents of This Chapter:

  1. Chapter Introduction
    1. Chapter Overview: Locating Gendered Power
    2. LEARN MORE: Intimate Partner Violence
    3. Key Terms
    4. Learning Objectives
    5. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Introduction
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. All Rights Reserved Content
  2. Gender in Unequal Systems of Power
    1. Four Domains of Power
    2. LEARN MORE: Safety Planning for IPV
    3. Social Identity + Privilege or Marginalization = Social Location
    4. LEARN MORE: Privilege
    5. Intersectionality: Complex Hierarchies of Privilege and Marginalization
    6. Learn More: Intersectionality
    7. Let’s Review
    8. Licenses and Attributions for Gender in Unequal Systems of Power
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
      3. All Rights Reserved Content
  3. Individuals within Gender-Based Systems of Power
    1. Tokenism
    2. Microaggressions
    3. Learn More: Microaggressions
    4. Internalized Oppression
    5. Let’s Review
    6. Licenses and Attributions for Individuals Within Gender-based Systems of Power
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. All Rights Reserved Content
  4. Gender in Global Systems of Power
    1. Learn More: Africa
    2. Capitalist Heteropatriarchy
    3. White Supremacy and Settler Colonialism
    4. Impacts on Indigenous Genders and Sexualities
    5. Learn More: Decolonizing Gender
    6. Real But Not True: Binary Gender
    7. Let’s Review
    8. Licenses and Attributions for Gender in Global Systems of Power
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
      3. All Rights Reserved Content
  5. Shifting Power
    1. Social Change
    2. Social Movements
    3. De-centering heteropatriarchy
    4. LEARN MORE: Prison Abolition
    5. Let’s Review
    6. Looking Through the Lens: The Matrix of Power and Intimate Partner Violence
    7. Licenses and Attributions for Shifting Power
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
      3. All Rights Reserved Content
  6. Conclusion
    1. Review Learning Objectives
    2. Questions For Discussion
    3. Real But Not True: Check-in
    4. Licenses and Attributions for Conclusion
      1. Open Content, Original
  7. References

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Sociology of Gender: An Equity Lens Copyright © by Heidi Esbensen and Nora Karena is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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