
H5P activities list

This book includes 47 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
1Subject-Verb Agreement PracticeQuestion Set
2Sentence Fragments PracticeQuestion Set
3Run-On Sentences and Comma Splices PracticeQuestion Set
4POWER Writing ProcessQuestion Set
5VOCABULARY: Academic Word List 01Iframe Embedder
6VOCABULARY: Academic Word List 02Iframe Embedder
8Mixed Verb Tenses ReviewQuestion Set
9Basic Essay StructureQuestion Set
10testIframe Embedder
11VOCABULARY: Academic Word List 03Iframe Embedder
12THE BIG PICTURE: Moving Beyond the Five-Paragraph EssayIframe Embedder
13COMPOSITION: The Three Story ThesisIframe Embedder
14GRAMMAR: Reported SpeechIframe Embedder
15CitationInteractive Video
16CitationInteractive Video
17GETTING READY TO WRITE: Citations...Iframe Embedder
18VOCABULARY: Academic Word List 04Iframe Embedder
19COMPOSITION: The CRAAP TestIframe Embedder
20GRAMMAR: Using the Passive VoiceIframe Embedder
21VOCABULARY: Academic Word List 05Iframe Embedder
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