H5P activities list

This book includes 124 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
21Weight and MassFill in the Blanks
22Body DensityFill in the Blanks
23Gravity on EarthFill in the Blanks
24Buoyant ForceFill in the Blanks
25FloatingDrag Text
26Hydrostatic Weighing for DensityFill in the Blanks
27Specific GravityFill in the Blanks
28Center of GravityFind Multiple Hotspots
29Normal Force and WeightDrag Text
30Static and Kinetic FrictionDrag Text
31FrictionFill in the Blanks
32TorqueDrag Text
33Static EquilibriumFill in the Blanks
34StabilityFill in the Blanks
36Lever ClassFill in the Blanks
37Mechanical AdvantageFill in the Blanks
38Range of MotionFill in the Blanks
39WheelbarrowFill in the Blanks
40Ouch!Fill in the Blanks
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