H5P activities list

This book includes 124 H5P activities. Only those which have been inserted into book content will be included if the book is cloned.

ID Title Activity type Show/Hide
81EquilibriumDrag Text
82ExpansionSingle Choice Set
83Satellite ExpansionFill in the Blanks
84Temperature ConversionFill in the Blanks
85TemperatureDrag Text
86Heating CostFill in the Blanks
87WindchillFill in the Blanks
88Wood stovesFill in the Blanks
89Space Walk WarmthFill in the Blanks
90Thermal Radiation SpectrumDrag Text
91Heat CapacityFill in the Blanks
92Bath CostFill in the Blanks
93Evaporative CoolingFill in the Blanks
94Heat IndexMultiple Choice
95Latent HeatDrag Text
96Ice BathFill in the Blanks
97Ice in AirSingle Choice Set
98CarnotFill in the Blanks
99Impact ForcesFill in the Blanks
100Work to RunFill in the Blanks
1 3 4 5 6 7