
3 How to Submit a Course for US: DIA Core Education Approval

Faculty wanting to propose a course for the US: DIA requirement should review the Core Education Course Approval Process page. Use the templates provided for the course approval process, which are found at the link just provided. The templates provide a format for indicating how a course meets the DIA criteria. Please note that the template form for the US: DIA requirement does not include a specific area where an instructor indicates content from members of historically marginalized communities. However, specific references to this content can be made in the descriptions for how the course meets the other criteria indicated. The annotated CourseLeaf form at the above link is also very useful to review and have on hand when completing the submission process. TEP is happy to assist instructors and departments and programs with the course proposal and submission process.


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Teaching about Difference and Power: A Guide for Instructors Copyright © 2021 by Jason Schreiner is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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