
Welcome to the Doing the Work: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Open Educational Resources!

Course Outcomes

  1. Recognize how DEI intersects with every aspect of this project and OER.
  2. Describe the value of DEI for authors and students.
  3. Realize the potential to create a curriculum that is both antiracist and inclusive of multiple intersecting human experiences.
  4. Develop the courage and humility necessary to reassess one’s own perspective.
  5. Practice using tools and strategies to promote equity in textbook and course design.

About this Course

This training is designed to orient Revising Authors to the skills and strategies necessary to meet our Targeted Pathways equity-minded outputs: student-centered textbooks that fully integrate with dynamic courses. This training includes five modules of asynchronous content that supports authors in the revising stage of the Targeted Pathways project. Each module builds toward a synchronous learning opportunity to join with fellow Revising Authors to assess skills and knowledge of concepts.

To orient to the Revising Author Role & Responsibilities, please visit the following:

Equity Statement

The Open Oregon Educational Resources Targeted Pathways Project seeks to dismantle structures of power and oppression entrenched in barriers to course material access. We provide tools and resources to make diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) primary considerations when faculty choose, adapt, and create course materials. In promoting DEI, our project is committed to:

  1. Ensuring diversity of representation within our team and the materials we distribute
  2. Publishing materials that use accessible, clear language for our target audience
  3. Sharing course materials that directly address and interrogate systems of oppression, equipping students and educators with the knowledge to do the same

Designing and piloting openly licensed, intersectional, and antiracist course materials is one starting point among many when addressing inequities in higher education. Our project invites students and educators to engage with us in this work, and we value spaces where learning communities can grow and engage together.

We welcome being held accountable to this statement and will respond to feedback submitted via our contact page [Website].

Course Timeline and Activities

Revising Authors complete one module per week. To complete a module, you will:

  • read all the content in the module
  • optionally attend a zoom workshop meeting
  • complete the Apply and Submit activity for the module
  • review feedback from the facilitators on the Apply and Submit activity

Module Topic and Dates

Optional Zoom Workshop Meeting Date and Facilitators

Apply and Submit Activity Due Date

Feedback Due Date

Module 1: Introduction to DEI in Targeted Pathways

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(insert facilitator names here)

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Module 2: Inclusive Textbook Revision

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(insert facilitator names here)

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Module 3: Working Toward Accessibility: Expanding Your Universe of Learners

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(insert facilitator names here)

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Module 4: Building OER Together for All: Attributions, Access, and Authorship

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(insert facilitator names here)

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Module 5: Equity-Minded Course Revision

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Accessibility Statement

Doing the Work was created with a good faith effort to ensure that it will meet accessibility standards wherever possible, and to highlight areas where we know there is work to do. It is our hope that by being transparent in this way, we can begin the process of making sure accessibility is top of mind for all authors, adopters, students and contributors of all kinds on open textbook projects.

This project meets common accessibility standards for page structure, use of color, descriptive links, alt text for images and image descriptions where appropriate, and accurate media captions. As of May 2023, full transcripts of each recording are still in process. These files will be uploaded as they are complete.

Open Oregon Educational Resources is always looking for ways to make our resources more accessible. If you have problems accessing this resource, please contact us to let us know so we can fix the issue.

Please include the following information:

  • The location of the problem by providing a web address or page description
  • A description of the problem
  • The computer, software, browser, and any assistive technology you are using that can help us diagnose and solve your issue (e.g., Windows 10, Google Chrome (Version 65.0.3325.181), NVDA screen reader)

You can contact us using our online contact form: Open Oregon Educational Resources Contact Us

This statement was last updated on May 25, 2023.

General Feedback

Your feedback is very welcome! To suggest areas for improvement or provide comments, please fill out the Feedback Form for Doing the Work to let us know your thoughts.

Licenses and Attributions

Open Content, original

“Introduction” by Heather Blicher, Phoebe Daurio, Valencia Scott, and Veronica Vold for Open Oregon Educational Resources is licensed CC BY 4.0.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Doing the Work: Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion in Open Educational Resources Copyright © by Heather Blicher, Valencia Scott, Stephanie Lenox, Abbey Gaterud, Michaela Willi Hooper, Veronica Vold is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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