Book Title: Environmental Justice
Subtitle: An Open Student Anthology

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Book Description: This book presents the original works of Environmental Justice students from Linn-Benton Community College. Students select and design projects based on their experiences and interests to contribute to this living anthology each term. The goal of this publication is to increase the impact of student scholarship, research, creativity, and activism to work for environmental and social justice in our communities. These openly-licensed works span multiple formats and genres based on student interest.
Book Information
Book Description
This book presents the original works of Environmental Justice students from Linn-Benton Community College. Students select and design projects based on their experiences and interests to contribute to this living anthology each term. The goal of this publication is to increase the impact of student scholarship, research, creativity, and activism to work for environmental and social justice in our communities. These openly-licensed works span multiple formats and genres based on student interest.
Environmental Justice Copyright © by Deron Carter, Colleen Sanders, and LBCC Environmental Justice Students is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.
Social impact of environmental issues