
Successful Community Reentry for People with Mental Disorders

Contents of This Chapter:

  1. Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Key Terms
    3. Chapter Overview
    4. Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview Licenses and Attributions
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
  2. Reentry Population
    1. Reentry Population Licenses and Attributions
      1. Open Content, Shared Previously
  3. Successful Reentry
    1. Successful Reentry Licenses and Attributions
      1. Open Content, Shared Previously
  4. Achieving Success in Reentry
    1. Responding to Risk and Needs
    2. Additional Needs: Housing and Employment
    3. SPOTLIGHT: Reentry Support Programs
    4. Achieving Success in Reentry Licenses and Attributions
      1. Open Content, Shared Previously
      2. All Rights Reserved Content
  5. Interventions for Successful Reentry
    1. Medications for Substance Use: MOUD and MAUD
      1. Medications for Opioid Use Disorder
      2. Medications for Alcohol Use Disorder
      3. Outcomes Associated With MOUD and MAUD
    2. Case Management Services
      1. Case Management Guidelines
      2. Case Management Outcomes
    3. Peer Support and Patient Navigation
      1. Peer Support
      2. Patient Navigation
      3. Peer Support and Patient Navigation Outcomes
    4. Interventions for Successful Reentry Licenses and Attributions
      1. Open Content, Shared Previously
  6. Implementing Effective Reentry Programs
    1. Need for Training
    2. Monitoring and Evaluation
    3. Equitable Implementation
    4. Implementing Effective Reentry Programs Licenses and Attributions
      1. Open Content, Shared Previously
  7. Best Practices for Reentry Services
    1. Unifying Case Plan
    2. Preparation and Rapport
    3. In-Person Community Connections
    4. Range of Services
    5. Preparation for Re-incarceration
    6. Best Practices for Reentry Programs Licenses and Attributions
      1. Open Content, Shared Previously
  8. Success: Movement from Incarceration
    1. Felton SMI Participants
    2. Felton SMI Staff
    3. Felton SMI Approaches and Outcomes
    4. Success: Movement from Incarceration Licenses and Attributions
      1. Open Content, Shared Previously
  9. Chapter Summary
    1. Key Term Definitions
    2. Discussion Questions
    3. Chapter Summary Licenses and Attributions
  10. References

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Mental Disorders and the Criminal Justice System Copyright © by Anne Nichol is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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