
Book Title: Writing Instruction Tips For Automated Essay Graders: How To Design an Essay for a Non-human Reader

Subtitle: Robo Grader - When Artificial Intelligence (AI) Becomes the Evaluator of Writing

Author: Alise Lamoreaux

Book Description: As schools, as well as the workplace, become more automated, and remote or distance learning/working becomes the “new normal,” understanding and leveraging artificial intelligence will become a critical skill. Order a print copy: https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/alise-lamoreaux/writing-instruction-tips-for-automated-essay-graders/paperback/product-2rpzye.html

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Book Information

Book Description

My goal for this book is to create an understanding of what AEG can assess and provide tips for the best practices and skills to develop when facing AEG systems. There are many arguments regarding teaching to a test, and that Robo-grading is harming writing instruction, but regardless of those opinions, students are being evaluated on the basis of artificial intelligence and their transition to college or the workplace is being impacted. The testing industry is the clear winner in the standardized testing movement. Rather than making software recognize “good” writing, they will redefine “good” writing according to what the software can recognize. Considering the resources being put into perfecting Robo-grading, it’s likely that we will see rapid expansion in the use of artificial intelligence as an evaluation tool. It’s important to give students a chance to learn to “think” like a Robo-grader.

Order a print copy: https://www.lulu.com/en/us/shop/alise-lamoreaux/writing-instruction-tips-for-automated-essay-graders/paperback/product-2rpzye.html


Alise Lamoreaux


Writing and editing guides


Writing Instruction Tips For Automated Essay Graders: How To Design an Essay for a Non-human Reader
Alise Lamoreaux
Primary Subject
Writing and editing guides
Open Oregon Educational Resources
Ebook ISBN
Print ISBN