
Learning Objectives

Alise Lamoreaux

Upon completion of reading this book, the reader will be able to: 

  1. Recognize the historical development of automated essay grading industry.
  2. Describe important technological changes that happened and what results occurred over time.
  3. Understand the components of “reading” when the reader is an automated essay grader.
  4. Describe the common assumptions about “good” writing upon which the programming for an automated essay reader can be based.
  5. Identify 3 models of argumentation and the audience expectation of each model.
  6. Identify the 7 components of the Toulmin Method of organization for an argument.
  7. Reiterate the argumentation model best suited for a Robo-Grader and why.
  8. Evaluate an argument based on the components of the Toulmin Method of Argumentation.
  9. Understand the role of word choice and the impact it has on “reading” for automated essay graders, including the notion of “academic vocabulary”.
  10. Appraise how an essay unfolds naturally using signposts, discourse markers, transitional phrases, and other components of sentence structure, to manage a sequence of events.

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