
9 Do you want a flying car?

Can your car fly? Do you want a flying car? Cars usually drive on roads. However, an Oregon company wants to make a flying car.

The company is Samson Sky. It is in central Oregon. It is making a new flying car. The new flying car is called Switchblade. It has three wheels and a large tail. It holds two people.

You can drive the car to an airport. Then you press a button. The wings and tail unfold in three minutes. Then the car can fly. It flies like an airplane.

The car flies 200 miles per hour. It flies 13,000 feet above the ground. You land the plane at an airport. You press a button. The wings and tail fold up. Then you can drive on the road again.

The car costs $140,000. You need a driver’s license and a pilot’s license.

-This story was first published in ESOL News Oregon January 20, 2019.




  1. Would you like to take a ride in a flying car as a passenger? As the driver? Why or why not?
  2. Do you like to travel in a flying car or an airplane? Why?
  3. Is $140,000 a fair price for a flying car?
  4. What are some problems with a flying car?


  1. Think about flying cars and airplanes. What is the same? What is different?
  2. How do you get a driver’s license? If you don’t have a driver’s license, then do some research to learn more.
  3. How do you get a pilot’s license? Do some research to learn more. How long will it take? How much will it cost?
  4. Use your imagination to write a paragraph about the future. The sky is filled with flying cars. What is it like? Is it safe? Is it clean?


KGW Staff. “Oregon Company Hopes Flying Car Takes Off.” KGW, 18 Jan. 2019, https://www.kgw.com/article/news/local/oregon-company-hopes-flying-car-takes-off/283-026f13c8-bd79-49d6-8032-77f0b68f4dbb.

“Samson Sky.” Samson Sky, 1 Jan. 2017, https://www.samsonsky.com/.

“Switchblade Flying Sports Car Coming in 2018.” YouTube, 5 May 2018, https://youtu.be/Ii2UYUxVnqY.




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