
8 Oregon has volcanoes and earthquakes

Mt. Hood


Volcanoes are a kind of mountain. They often have large holes at the top. Sometimes they explode. There can be hot liquid rock and smoke. This can be dangerous for people near the volcano.

Scientists say there are 18 volcanoes in the United States with a very high threat. This means they might be dangerous soon. Four of them are in Oregon. They are:

  • Crater Lake
  • Mount Hood
  • Newberry Volcano
  • Three Sisters

Will they explode soon? Nobody knows. However, scientists found another problem. They found new cracks in Mount Hood. These cracks are called “fault lines.” They might make a large earthquake.


Oregon, Washington, and California will have a big earthquake, say scientists. They don’t know when. Sooner or later, it will be “the big one,” they say.

The ground is going to shake strongly. The immense earthquake will make a tsunami. A tsunami is a very large wave of water. It will reach land in 15 minutes. There will be a lot of damage.

However, each state has different kinds of land. Some areas are more dangerous than other areas. For example, there is more danger for the coast between Portland and Seattle.

The last large earthquake was in 1700. No one knows when it is going to happen again. It can be this year or more than 100 years from now.

-This information is from stories first published in ESOL News Oregon July-October 2018.





  1. Earthquakes are scary for many reasons. Why?
  2. Do you have emergency supplies in your house for “the big one”? Talk about what you have ready.
  3. Have you ever experienced an earthquake or volcano? If you have, talk about it: when it happened, where you were, who you were with, how you felt, etc. If you have never experienced an earthquake or volcano, have you seen one on TV or in a movie? What do you remember?
  4. Four of the 18 volcanoes with a very high threat in the United States are in Oregon. How does that make you feel? Are you surprised? Are you worried? Are you interested? Are you excited?


  1. Crater Lake is a very famous place in Oregon. Why is it famous? Write about what makes it special and unique.
  2. Many people like to do winter sports like skiing and snowboarding on Mount Hood. What clothes do you need to do these things?
  3. Use Google to plan a trip to the Newberry Volcano Monument. What can you do there?
  4. Why does Three Sisters have this name? Research the story behind these volcanoes.


Borenstein, Seth. “Four Volcanoes in Oregon Rated ‘Very High Threat’.” KGW, 25 Oct. 2018, www.kgw.com/article/news/local/four-volcanoes-in-oregon-rated-very-high-threat/283-608085187.

Perry, Douglas. “New Cascadia Subduction Zone Study Offers Bad News for Portland.” Oregonlive, 27 July 2018, www.oregonlive.com/trending/2018/07/new_cascadia_subduction_zone_e.html#incart_std.

Williams, Kale. “Mount Hood Faults Could Cause Earthquake Devastation in Portland.” OregonLive.com, OregonLive.com, 23 Oct. 2018, www.oregonlive.com/pacific-northwest-news/index.ssf/2018/10/faults_discovered_on_mount_hoo.html.

Image: “Mount Hood” by Chromakode is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.5




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