
4 Oregon man’s lost cat is found … in New Mexico

veterinarian with cat
two dogs in cages
animal shelter
dog and microchip reader
microchip reader

Sasha is a black cat. He lived in Vancouver. Vancouver is a city next to Portland. He lived with Viktor Usov.

In 2014, Sasha went outside. He went for a walk. He never came back.

Viktor was upset. But Sasha had a microchip. A microchip is identification. So Viktor called veterinarians and animal shelters. He asked them, “Did you find a lost cat?”

No one found Sasha. Until …

Five years later, Viktor got a call. Someone found a cat with a microchip. It was Sasha. And he was in New Mexico! New Mexico is 1,200 miles away from Vancouver!

Viktor was happy. Now Sasha can come home.

-This story was first published in ESOL News Oregon November 22, 2019.




  1. Look at a map of the United States. Find the state of Washington. Find the state of New Mexico. What way do you think Sasha the cat took? How did it travel?
  2. Five years is a long time. Why didn’t Viktor give up? Why did he keep waiting? What is something that you waited for for a long time?
  3. Microchips helped Viktor and Sasha to find each other again. Where else do we use microchips? If you don’t know, then do a quick internet search.
  4. Sasha was in an animal shelter. What kinds of animals live in animal shelters? Why?


  1. There are many animal shelters in the United States. What do they do? Do you have animal shelters in your home country?
  2. Sasha was very important to Viktor. He waited for him for five years. Did you ever have a pet? Describe your pet and why they were special.
  3. Animals can’t talk. However, animals can communicate in other ways. Think about when Sasha and Viktor met again. What do you think Sasha communicated to Viktor?
  4. Viktor never gave up searching for Sasha. Think about a time when you never gave up. How did you keep hope?


Kent, Kandra. “Portland Man’s Cat Missing Five Years Found in New Mexico.” KPTV.Com, 20 Nov. 2019, www.kptv.com/news/portland-man-s-cat-missing-five-years-found-in-new/article_b99ad8dc-0b63-11ea-8c3f-1f8b4b1a63c5.html. Accessed 22 Nov. 2019.

Williams, Kale. “Portland Man to Reunite with Cat Lost for 5 Years, Found 1,300 Miles Away.” Oregonlive, 19 Nov. 2019, www.oregonlive.com/news/2019/11/portland-man-to-reunite-with-lost-cat-found-1300-miles-away-after-five-years-on-the-loose.html. Accessed 22 Nov. 2019.


  • Andrew Dunn, CC BY-SA 2.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/2.0>, via Wikimedia Commons

  • Animal Shelter photo by Julissa Helmuth: https://www.pexels.com/photo/purebred-dogs-in-cage-in-veterinary-clinic-4059470/

  • Sternrenette, CC BY-SA 3.0 <https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0>, via Wikimedia Commons




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