
10 Park visitors suddenly see a new statue

Statue on pedestal in park

Mount Tabor is a park in Portland. Many people visit it. They walk their dogs. They exercise. They play games. They ride their bikes. They sit on the grass.

There was a large statue near the top. It was the statue of a man. The man was Harvey Scott. He worked for a newspaper a long time ago.

Protestors pulled down the statue of Harvey Scott in 2020. People disagreed with his ideas. For example, he did not want women to vote.

Several months later, someone replaced the old statue with a new one. The new statue is the head of a man named York.

York was a Black person. He was a slave of an explorer named Clark. Lewis and Clark were two famous explorers of Oregon in the 1800s.

The new statue is four feet tall. There is a sign below the statue. The sign describes York. It says that he was the first African American to cross the continent and see the Pacific Ocean.

Who put the new statue there? Nobody knew for eight months. The artist told his name only after someone destroyed the statue.

The artist’s name is Todd McGrain. He talked to a newspaper because he wanted to replace the first York statue with a new one. The new statue would be made of bronze. It would last a long time.

The park still has not decided to say yes or no.

-This story was first published in ESOL News Oregon March 1, 2021.



  1. Have you been to Mt. Tabor Park? Have you seen this statue? Have you seen the old statue that was there before?
  2. What is your opinion about historical statues? Do they help people to learn history? Why or why not?
  3. Do you have any statues of famous people in your home country? Describe them. If you can, find a picture to show your classmates.
  4. Did the protestors do the right thing? Many old statues and monuments are being destroyed all over the world. Can you think of any examples? Do some research for more information and pictures.


  1. Lewis and Clark were famous white explorers. York was a Black slave. Who is more important to remember? Why?
  2. What is the value of public art, like this statue in the park? Do you think art in public places outside is good for people? Or do you think it’s better to have art inside in museums or private homes?
  3. Do some research about Harvey Scott. He was an important person in Oregon history, but some people wanted to remove his statue. Why?
  4. Do some research about the explorers Lewis and Clark. Where did they begin their travel? Where did they end their travel? Which president gave them their jobs?


Rogoway, Mike. “Bust of York, Member of Lewis and Clark Expedition, Appears on Mount Tabor.” Oregonlive, 21 Feb. 2021, www.oregonlive.com/news/2021/02/bust-of-york-member-of-lewis-and-clark-expedition-appears-in-place-of-harvey-scott-statue-on-mount-tabor.html. Accessed 26 Feb. 2021.

Ryan, Jim. “Statue of Harvey Scott, Former Editor of the Oregonian, Torn down in Mount Tabor.” Oregonlive, 20 Oct. 2020, www.oregonlive.com/portland/2020/10/harvey-scott-statue-atop-mount-tabor-torn-down.html. Accessed 26 Feb. 2021.

Selsky, Andrew. “Bust of Black Hero of Lewis & Clark Trip Mysteriously Appears in Portland Park.” KOMO, 24 Feb. 2021, komonews.com/news/local/bust-of-black-hero-of-lewis-clark-trip-mysteriously-appears-in-portland-park. Accessed 26 Feb. 2021.

Image: Another Believer, CC BY-SA 4.0




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