
Meaning and Purpose

Contents of This Chapter:

  1. Chapter Reading Guide
    1. Chapter Learning Objectives
    2. Key Terms Preview
    3. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Reading Guide
      1. Open Content, Original
  2. What Do We Mean by “Meaning”?
    1. Activity: Meaning in Life Questionnaire
    2. Meaning, Belonging, and Kinship
    3. Where Does Meaning Fit in a Needs Hierarchy?
    4. Finding Meaning
    5. In Focus: Love, Family, and Meaning
    6. Contributions to Families’ Well-Being
    7. Comprehension Self Check
    8. Licenses and Attributions for What Do We Mean by “Meaning”?
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
      3. All Rights Reserved Content
    9. References
  3. Purpose and Meaning: A Survey of 17 Countries
    1. Studying Meaning in 17 Advanced Economies
    2. In Focus: Bracelet Full of Meaning
    3. Activity: What Is Meaningful to You?
    4. Comparing the United States to Other Countries
    5. Comparisons by Age
    6. Comparisons by Sex and Gender
    7. Comparisons by Socioeconomic Status
    8. Comprehension Self Check
    9. Licenses and Attributions for Purpose and Meaning: A Survey of 17 Countries
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. All Rights Reserved Content
    10. References
  4. Lifespan Development and Creativity
    1. Lifespan Theory: Adolescence
    2. Lifespan Theory: Middle Adulthood
    3. Creativity
    4. Lifespan Theory: Late Adulthood
    5. Lifespan Theory: Elderly Adulthood
    6. Comprehension Self Check
    7. Licenses and Attributions for Lifespan Development and Creativity
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    8. References
  5. Indigenous Perspectives on Family, Purpose, and Meaning
    1. Stages of Life
      1. Indigenous Life Cycle
      2. The Eight Stages of the Life Cycle
      3. The Seven Phases of Life
    2. Meaning, Purpose, and Community
    3. Strong Purpose
    4. In Focus: What Is Strong Purpose
    5. Licenses and Attributions for Indigenous Perspectives on Family, Purpose, and Meaning
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
      3. All Rights Reserved Content
  6. Generational Trauma and Resilience
    1. Remembrance Run
    2. Keeping Language Alive
    3. Language, Identity, and Family
    4. Comprehension Self Check
    5. Licenses and Attributions for Generational Trauma and Resilience
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
      3. All Rights Reserved Content
    6. References
  7. Looking Ahead: Deb Haaland and Family Healing
    1. Deb Haaland
    2. Family Healing
    3. Licenses and Attributions for Looking Ahead: Deb Haaland
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
    4. References
  8. Going Deeper
    1. Want to Learn More?
    2. Reflective Questions
    3. Key Terms
    4. Activity: Grief and Meaning
    5. Licenses and Attributions for Going Deeper
      1. Open Content, Original

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Contemporary Families in the US: An Equity Lens 2e Copyright © by Elizabeth B. Pearce is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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