
10.4 Conclusion

Congratulations on completing your internship! We hope this text has been a helpful guide as you learned to perform one of the most challenging aspects of human services—putting your knowledge and theories into practice. Think of all of the different experiences you have had at your agency as tools for your toolbox. You are now prepared for your next steps, whether in education or in the field, with experience in actually doing the work. You have seen the challenges faced by clients, workers, and agencies alike as all of us together try to address people’s needs. We wish you the best as you continue your journey.

Conclusion Licenses and Attributions

“Conclusion” by Sally Guyer MSW and Yvonne Smith LCSW licensed under CC-BY 4.0.



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Human Services Practicum Copyright © by Yvonne M. Smith LCSW is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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