
Analyze What You Read

  1. When do you think this story takes place?
  2. Where do you think this story takes place?
  3. What do the chains around Marley and the other spirits represent?
  4. Do you think Scrooge is a successful businessman? Why or why not?
  5. What does each person (Marley, Fred, the Clerk, and the Two Men) want from Scrooge?
  6. Scrooge tells his clerk that Christmas is “A poor excuse for picking a man’s pocket every twenty-fifth of December.” What do you think pick a man’s pocket means?
  7. Based on the first chapter, what is the pattern of organization of this text? What do you think will happen?
  8. What is the tone of this first chapter? What words from the text help you to understand that?


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A Christmas Carol Copyright © 2019 by Timothy Krause is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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