
Lesson 7

18 Homework 7

Ken Dickson-Self

1.       What is another name for an on-delay timer?

2.       Draw a timing diagram for the on-delay timer (including signal/control, NO and NC contacts)

3.       What’s the difference between a single-function and multi-function timer?

4.       Draw the schematic symbol for both the NO and NC contacts of an on-delay timer.

5.       Describe a situation in industry where you might want to use a cumulative on-delay timer.

6.       Describe the example Jim uses in the first video where an on-delay timer is used to control two conveyor belts. What’s the function of the timer in this case?

7.       What is another name for an off-delay timer?

8.       Draw a timing diagram for the off-delay timer (including signal/control, NO and NC contacts).

9.       Draw the schematic symbol for both the NO and NC contacts of an off-delay timer.

10.   Describe the performance of a flash/repeat/recycle timer.

11.   Describe the difference between symmetric and asymmetric timers.

12.   Describe the function of a positive/rising edge triggered one-shot timer.

13.   Draw the timing diagram for a negative/falling edge triggered one-shot timer.


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