Chapter 1: Environmental Science

Learning Outcomes
After studying this chapter, you should be able to:
- Define environmental science
- Understand why it is important to study environmental science
- Explain the concept of sustainability and its social, political, and cultural challenges
- Understand the process of scientific inquiry
- Compare inductive reasoning with deductive reasoning
- Describe the goals of basic science and applied science
- Evaluate the main points of environmental ethics
- Understand the Tragedy of the Commons and be able to apply this concept to other examples
- Describe the concept of environmental justice
- Think about bias in the media presentation of science
Chapter Outline
- 1.1 The Earth, Humans, and the Environment
- 1.2 The Process of Science
- 1.3 Environment and Sustainability
- 1.4 Environmental Ethics and Environmental Justice
- 1.5 Science in the Media
- 1.6 Chapter Resources – Environmental Science
“Chapter 1: Environmental Science” by Alexandra Geddes is licensed under CC BY 4.0. Modified from the original by Joni Baumgarten.