
Publisher’s Statement

Open Oregon Educational Resources promotes textbook affordability for community college and university students, and facilitates widespread adoption of open, low-cost, high-quality materials. Our vision is that high quality, low-cost learning materials will be thoughtfully integrated into teaching and learning in Oregon’s higher ed. One way we support this vision is by providing tools and resources to make equity, diversity, and inclusion primary considerations when faculty adopt course materials; therefore we are actively committed to increasing the accessibility and usability of the textbooks we produce.

Tracking Adoptions

Please help us estimate the impact of our openly licensed course materials by letting us know if you use them: https://tinyurl.com/pbadoptions.

Let us know if you encounter a problem

If you encounter problems with this resource, please contact us so that we can address the issue. Please include the following information:

  • The location of the problem by providing a web address or page description
  • A description of the problem
  • The computer, software, browser, and any assistive technology you are using that can help us diagnose and solve your issue (e.g., Windows 10, Google Chrome (Version 65.0.3325.181), NVDA screenreader)

Peer Review

This book is a derivative of Blueprint for Success in College and Career by Dave Dillon. During Summer 2021, Linnea Spitzer, Portland State University, led a process of peer review for Oregon faculty and Spanish-English bilingual students to provide feedback on the relevance and cultural appropriateness of the materials.

Thank you reviewers:

  • Norma Cárdenas, Portland State University
  • Marisol De La Torre, Oregon State University
  • Steven Dickson, Southern Oregon University
  • Vanessa Hernandez, Portland Community College
  • Rachel Knighten, Lane Community College
  • Jessica Lopez, Oregon State University
  • Jean Mittelstaedt, Chemeketa Community College
  • Monica Olvera, Oregon State University
  • Kim Puttman, Oregon Coast Community College
  • Edgar Rosas Alquicira, Lane Community College
  • Grecia Salinas-Molina, Portland State University
  • August Stockton, Portland Community College
  • Denise Tischler, Mt. Hood Community College

Accessibility Features

This book was created with a good faith effort to ensure that it will meet accessibility standards wherever possible, and to highlight areas where we know there is work to do. It is our hope that by being transparent in this way, we can begin the process of making sure accessibility is top of mind for all authors, adopters, students and contributors of all kinds on open textbook projects.

Below is a short assessment of eight key areas in this book that have been assessed by the Rebus Community. The checklist has been drawn from the BCcampus Accessibility Toolkit. While a checklist such as this is just one part of a holistic approach to accessibility, it is one way to begin our work on embedded good accessibility practices in the books we support.

Wherever possible, we have identified ways in which anyone may contribute their expertise to improve the accessibility of this text.

Webbook Checklist

Area of focus Requirements Pass?
Organizing Content Contents is organized under headings and subheadings Yes
Headings and subheadings are used sequentially (e.g. Heading 1, heading 2, etc.) as well as logically (if the title is Heading 1 then there should be no other heading 1 styles as the title is the uppermost level) Yes
 Images Images that convey information include Alternative Text (alt-text) descriptions of the image’s content or function Yes
Graphs, Charts, and Maps also include contextual or supporting details in the text surrounding the image Yes
Images do not rely on colour to convey information No
Images that are purely decorative contain empty alternative text descriptions. (Descriptive text is unnecessary if the image doesn’t convey contextual content information) Yes
 Tables Tables include row and column headers No
Table includes title or caption No
Table does not have merged or split cells Yes
Table has adequate cell padding Yes
Weblinks The weblink is meaningful in context, does not use generic text such as “click here” or “read more” Yes
Weblinks do not open new windows or tabs Yes
If weblink must open in a new window, a textual reference is included in the link information n/a
Embedded Multimedia A transcript has been made available for a multimedia resource that includes audio narration or instruction* n/a
Captions of all speech content and relevant non-speech content are included in the multimedia resource that includes audio synchronized with a video presentation n/a
Audio descriptions of contextual visuals (graphs, charts, etc) are included in the multimedia resource n/a
Formulas Formulas have been created using MathML n/a
Formulas are images with alternative text descriptions, if MathML is not an option n/a
Font Size Font size is 12 point (12pt=1em in this book) or higher for body text Yes
Font size is 9 point (9pt=0.75em in this book) for footnotes or endnotes Yes
Font size can be zoomed to 200% Yes

*Transcript includes:

  • Speaker’s name
  • All speech content
  • Relevant descriptions of speech
  • Descriptions of relevant non-speech audio
  • Headings and subheadings

Other file formats available

In addition to the web version, this book is available in a number of file formats including PDF, EPUB (for eReaders), MOBI (for Kindles), and various editable files. Look for the “Download this book” drop-down menu on the book’s home page to select the file type you want.

This book links to a number of external websites. For those using a print copy of this resource, the link text is underlined, and you can find the web addresses for all links in the back matter of the book.

Last Update

This book was last updated on February 28, 2022. This Oregon version has a number of exciting changes, including a new chapter focused on college writing, updated resources for Oregon-based student support, and equity-focused revisions designed to support Oregon students from all backgrounds.


This statement was adapted from Accessibility Statement by Amanda Coolidge, Sue Doner, Tara Robertson, and Josie Gray, Accessibility Toolkit – 2nd Edition, BCcampus, licensed under CC BY 4.0.

Accessibility Features was adapted from “A note from the Rebus Community” from Blueprint for Success in College and Career, licensed under CC BY 4.0.


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Blueprint for Success in College and Career Copyright © 2019 by Dave Dillon is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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