
Sociological Research Methods: Studying Social Life

Contents of This Chapter

  1. Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Overview
    3. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. All Rights Reserved Content
  2. The Scientific Method and Sociological Research
    1. Developing a Research Question
    2. The Steps of the Scientific Method
      1. Step 1: Identify a Social Issue/Find a Research Topic and Ask a Question
      2. Step 2: Review the Literature/Research Existing Sources
      3. Step 3: Formulate a Hypothesis
      4. Step 4: Select a Research Method and Design a Study
      5. Step 5: Collect Data
      6. Step 6: Analyze the Data
      7. Step 7: Report Findings
    3. Licenses and Attributions for the Scientific Method and Sociological Research
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
  3. Frameworks Shaping Sociological Research
    1. Interpretive Framework
    2. Grounded Theory
    3. Critical Sociology
    4. Licenses and Attributions for Frameworks Shaping Sociological Research
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
      3. All Rights Reserved Content
  4. Research Methods
    1. Qualitative, Quantitative, or Mixed Methodology in Social Science Research
    2. Evaluating Research Methodologies
    3. Licenses and Attributions for Research Methods
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
  5. Quantitative Research Methods
    1. Surveys
    2. Activity: A Closer Look at Causation and Correlation
    3. Experiments
    4. Licenses and Attributions for Quantitative Research Methods
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
      3. All Rights Reserved Content
  6. Qualitative Research Methods Part 1
    1. Ethnography
      1. Participant Observation
      2. Autoethnography
      3. Institutional Ethnography
      4. International Research
    2. A Closer Look: Indigenous Knowledge and Decolonizing Research Methods
    3. Licenses and Attributions for Qualitative Research Methods Part 1
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
      3. All Rights Reserved Content
  7. Qualitative Research Methods Part 2
    1. Interviews
    2. Secondary Data Analysis
    3. Licenses and Attributions for Qualitative Research Methods Part 2
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
  8. Community-Based Research
    1. Community-Based Research and Participatory Action Research
    2. Activity: A Closer Look at Participatory Research
    3. Research in the Community
    4. Licenses and Attributions for Community-Based Research
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. All Rights Reserved Content
  9. Ethics
    1. ASA Code of Ethics
    2. Unethical Studies
      1. The Tuskegee Experiment
      2. Henrietta Lacks
      3. Milgram Experiment
      4. Laud Humphreys
      5. Ethics in International Research
    3. Activity: A Closer Look at Research Ethics
    4. Licenses and Attributions for Ethics
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
      3. All Rights Reserved Content
  10. Conclusion
    1. Review of Learning Objectives
    2. Key Terms
    3. Discussion Questions
    4. Additional Resources
    5. Licenses and Attributions for Conclusion
      1. Open Content, Original
  11. Chapter References

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Sociology in Everyday Life Copyright © by Matthew Gougherty and Jennifer Puentes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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