Book Title: Sociology in Everyday Life

Book Description: This openly licensed text uses a multi-level, intersectional feminist approach to frame our understanding of contemporary sociology in the United States. The text introduces a variety of concepts and theories that are helpful in understanding the social world in which we live. It asks and answers the questions “What is sociology?” “How do groups, networks, and social interactions shape our reality?” and “How do identities and social structures shape our opportunities?” Original content is licensed under CC BY 4.0, except as otherwise noted.
Book Information
Book Description
Introduction to the Sociology of Everyday Life provides a new framework for understanding contemporary sociology while still aligning to the objectives of many introductory sociology courses in the state of Oregon. In this text, we use a multi-level, intersectional feminist approach to frame students’ understanding of the discipline. This book serves as a resource for examining the foundations and principles of sociology, power and social interaction, and inequalities between social groups. The text covers key concepts, real world application activities, and discussions and data relevant to students. Substantively, we embed contemporary theories throughout the text to reflect the current traditions in sociology. We use place as a tool for students to gain a richer understanding of how sociology connects with their daily lives, drawing on real-life examples from Oregon and the surrounding region as we work to understand the relationship between society, culture, and social stratification. We have organized this book into 11 chapters. The first three chapters serve as your foundation for the discipline. You will learn what sociology is (Chapter 1), what frameworks we use to understand the world around us (Chapter 2), and how sociologists “do” the work of sociology (Chapter 3). You may find value in returning to these chapters as you progress through the text and learn more about sociology. Next, we focus on the process of socialization, social interaction, and group dynamics, then we learn about culture and social control. For the remainder of the text, we examine elements of identity that often intersect with experiences of inequity. These chapters encourage you to think about your personal connections to social class, gender, sexuality, and race and how they relate to larger social structures. We incorporate a few examples into the chapters to help you think about how particular social instructions shape our daily lives. For a closer examination of social institutions, you can continue your learning journey by reading Social Change in Societies and Social Problems, texts written by our colleagues on this project.
Sociology in Everyday Life Copyright © by Matthew Gougherty and Jennifer Puentes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.