
Socialization and Interaction

A man in an undershirt looks in the mirror, where three versions of himself with blurred faces and different postures look back.
Figure 4.1 Which self leads the way today?

Contents of This Chapter

  1. Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
    1. Learning Objectives
    2. Overview
    3. Licenses and Attributions for Chapter Learning Objectives and Overview
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
  2. Social Construction of Reality
    1. Human Interaction and Institutions
    2. Constructionism and Cross-Cultural Comparisons
    3. Activity: Gender and the Social Construction of Beauty
    4. Symbolic Interactionism
    5. Activity: Ethnomethodology and TikTok
    6. Licenses and Attributions for Social Construction of Reality
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
  3. Theories of Self and Identity
    1. Cooley and the Looking-Glass Self
    2. Mead and the Stages of Self-Development
    3. W. E. B. Du Bois and the Double Consciousness
    4. Activity: Race and Double Consciousness: Examining Representations within Media
    5. Goffman and the Presentation of Self
    6. Identity Theory
    7. Licenses and Attributions for Theories of Self and Identity
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
      3. All Rights Reserved Content
  4. Sociology of Emotions
    1. Emotion Work
    2. Surface and Deep Acting
    3. Licenses and Attributions for Sociology of Emotions
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
  5. Socialization
    1. Recent Developments in the Study of Socialization
    2. Agents of Socialization
    3. Socialization as a Life-Long Process
    4. A Closer Look: The Impact of Socialization on Domestic Violence
    5. Licenses and Attributions for Socialization
      1. Open Content, Original
      2. Open Content, Shared Previously
  6. Conclusion
    1. Review of Learning Objectives
    2. Key Terms
    3. Discussion Questions
    4. Licenses and Attributions for Conclusion
      1. Open Content, Original
  7. Chapter References

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Sociology in Everyday Life Copyright © by Matthew Gougherty and Jennifer Puentes is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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