
4.6 Scored Assessment

Charting Social Justice Data (Comprehensive Review)

Download Data File: SC4 Data

Task 1 International Incarceration rates

  1. Open the file named SC4 Data and then Save As SC4 Social Justice.
  2. On the International tab, use a function in cell D20 to find the average of the Individuals incarcerated data.
  3. Create a bar chart that looks like this:
Title: "International Rates of Incarceration" centered at top of horizontal bar chart. X axis values increase by 100 from left-to-right up to 800. Y axis countries in order of rate values, lowest at top. Solid blue bars for every country except highest value USA at bottom, bar is solid red. Average at top is blue criss-cross pattern bar.
Figure 4.68
  1. Move and or resize it so that it does not cover any of the data.
  2. In cell A25 write a brief note explaining why a bar (or column) chart is a better choice for this data than a pie chart.
  3. Set the Print Area so that everything prints, except for the explanation you added in cell A25.
  4. Preview the International worksheet in Print Preview and make any changes needed to print professionally on one page.

Task 2 Disenfranchisement Rate

Felony disenfranchisement is the exclusion from voting of people otherwise eligible to vote (known as disfranchisement) due to conviction of a criminal offense, usually restricted to the more serious class of crimes: felonies. Jurisdictions vary as to whether they make such disfranchisement permanent, or restore suffrage after a person has served a sentence, or completed parole or probation. Affected individuals suffer “collateral consequences” including loss of access to jobs, housing, and other facilities.

Opponents have argued that such disfranchisement restricts and conflicts with principles of universal suffrage. It can affect civic and communal participation in general.


On the Disenfranchisement rate sheet, use the Recommended Chart tool to create the following three charts.  Put each chart on its own individual sheet.  (Note:  Not an object in a spreadsheet.)

Chart1 — Felony Disenfranchisement Rate Washington

Combo chart representing data as blue vertical bars and a horizontal orange line. Two-line title centered at top: "Felony Disenfranchisement Rate, Washington". Left Y axis: Low values at bottom start with dash as zero, rising by 5,000 to value at top 20,000. Right Y axis: 0% at bottom rising by 5% to 20% at top. Gray horizontal lines connect left and right Y axis. X axis years, rising by 5, 1980-2014. Bottom legend: Blue bar - Washington - orange line %.
Figure 4.69


This is called a Clustered column chart in the Recommended charts tool, but it is really a combo chart – with some data displayed as columns and some data displayed as a line.

You will need to edit the Chart Title.

You may need to adjust the chart size to make it look like the illustration.

Put the chart on its own individual sheet — don’t leave it as an object on the spreadsheet.


Chart2 — Felony Disenfranchisement Rate Oregon

Combo chart with same format as Chart 1, but with Oregon data. Title and legend edited to Oregon.
Figure 4.70

Take a look at both the Washington and Oregon charts.  They are the same kind of chart, but your charts may look different because the data is a bit different.

To make them more similar – make sure that the vertical axes are the same in both charts.  Format the left vertical (value) axis, so that the Maximum is 20000. Format the right vertical axis, so that the Maximum is .20.

Chart3 – Comparison – Oregon and Washington


Be sure that you have years as labels on the horizontal axis (not 1, 2, 3 . . . )

This chart is on its own separate sheet.


  1. When you have completed all three charts, save your work.  Preview the worksheet(s) in Print Preview and make any necessary changes for professional printing.
  2. Submit the SC4 Social Justice workbook as directed by your instructor.


“4.6 Scored Assessment” by Noreen Brown, Portland Community College is licensed under CC BY 4.0


Icon for the Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License

Beginning Excel, First Edition Copyright © by Noreen Brown, Barbara Lave, Julie Romey, Mary Schatz, Diane Shingledecker is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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