
1.4 General Industrial Safety

Comment on elements essential to emergency preparedness.


Enroll in a First Aid/CPR/AED class if you are not already certified


Define the purpose of a lock out and tag out program.


Describe lock out devices used for plugs, switches, and valve handles.


Describe how a hasp is utilized with a group of workers and their individual lock and tag.


Define lock out, define tag out, and differentiate between the two terms.


Describe the general procedure to conduct service on a system.


Comment on the purpose of inspecting Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) prior to use.


Differentiate between types and classes of hard hats.


Describe the features and types of eye protection and prescription eyewear.


Describe the purpose of eye wash stations and emergency showers.


Differentiate between ear plugs and ear muffs.


Describe how the NRR of a hearing protection device affects environmental noise.


Describe the time weighted average requirement


Comment on protective clothing and hand protection utilized for specialized industrial tasks (ie: electrical, abrasion resistance, chemicals, etc.).


Comment on machine guards.


Comment on the purpose of protective toes and oil resistant soles.


Comment on when fall arrest systems must be utilized.


Comment on the purpose of a harness and shock absorbing lanyard.


Describe the purpose and function of a ladder climber.


Describe the purpose of suspension trauma mitigation straps.


Describe the purpose of a work positioning lanyard. Describe other uses of a work positioning lanyard.


Describe the purpose of a rescue, retrieval and evacuation device.


Describe how a pre-roped pulley assembly, additional pulleys, slings, and carabiners complement a rescue kit.


Describe the purpose of an exclusion zone and tethering.


Describe the 3 features of a confined space and how environmental testing, attendants, communication, and rescue equipment mitigate the problems associated with confined spaces.


Describe some of the unique safety concerns associated with fluid power systems and best practices to mitigate these hazards.


Describe the purpose of OSHA.


Describe the purpose of ANSI.


Describe the purpose of the NEC.


Describe the purpose of NRTLs and give examples.


Describe the purpose of the NEMA and the IEC and differentiate between them.


Show up to your assigned lab period wearing long pants and closed toed shoes.


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Hydraulics and Electrical Control of Hydraulic Systems Copyright © 2016 by James Pytel is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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