
4.3 Vane Pumps

Describe the sequences of a positive displacement pump.


Differentiate between fixed and variable displacement pumps.


Classify and describe the three types of positive displacement pumps commonly employed in hydraulic systems.


Describe how a variable displacement pump can vary flow rate.


List the two main types of vane pumps


Identify parts in an unbalanced vane pump and draw a diagram.


Describe how an unbalanced vane pump executes the phases of a positive displacement pump.


Describe how a variable displacement unbalanced vane pump works.


Define eccentricity and concentricity. Identify which positions produce max/min flow rate.


Describe the main disadvantage of unbalanced vane pumps and how balanced vane pumps solve this issue.


Identify parts in balanced vane pump and draw a diagram.


Describe how a balanced vane pump executes the phases of a positive displacement pump.


Take apart a fixed displacement unbalanced vane pump. Identity internal components.


Take apart a variable displacement unbalanced vane pump. Identity internal components. (NOT SHOWN IN LECTURE)


Take apart a fixed displacement balanced vane pump. Identity internal components.


Define the term cartridge. Identify advantages of cartridges when repairing vane pumps.
Find the data sheet for a vane pump. Identify displacement, drive speed range, viscosity range, fluid cleanliness requirements, and other pertinent specifications. Explain flow rate as a function of pressure, flow rate as a function of drive speed, and other pertinent charts. (Vane Pump Data Sheet Parker T6C Balance Vane Pump Datasheet)


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