
Bob gets ready for school

young man smiling
His name is Bob.


young man holding a piece of paper
Bob needs things for school. He has a list.


list: 1, Pencil; 2. Rubber band; 3. Eraser; 4. Pen; 5. Paperclip
Bob needs five things.


young man with arms crossed
He asks his mother. “Do you have a pencil?”


woman smiling
“No, I don’t have a pencil.”


colorful rubber bands
She has rubber bands.


man smiling and giving the "thumbs up" sign with both hands


man with arms crossed
Bob asks his father. “Do you have a pencil?”


man smiling
“No, I don’t have a pencil.”


red and blue eraser
His father has an eraser.


man smiling and giving the "thumbs up" sign with both hands


young man with arms crossed
He asks his sisters. “Do you have a pencil?”


two girls making "peace" signs with their hands
“No, we don’t have a pencil.”


silver pen
They have a pen.


man smiling and giving the "thumbs up" sign with both hands


young man with arms crossed

Bob asks his brother. “Do you have a pencil?”


young man in T-shirt
“No, I don’t have a pencil.”


His brother has a paperclip.


man smiling and giving the "thumbs up" sign with both hands


List: 1. Pencil; 2. Rubber band (crossed off); 3. Eraser (crossed off); 4. Pen (crossed off); 5. Paperclip (crossed off)
Bob needs five things. He has four things.


blue pencil
Bob doesn’t have a pencil.


young man
Who has a pencil?


silhouette of dog with pencil in its mouth
“Thank you, Max!”




Comprehension Questions









Discussion Question

Find these things in your classroom:

  1. Pencil
  2. Rubber band
  3. Eraser
  4. Pen
  5. Paper clip


Images of Bob and his sisters by artur84 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image of the paperclip by lobster20 at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Image of the brother and the rubber bands by David Castillo Dominici at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

Images of the mother and father by stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net

All other images are public domain.



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Home and School Copyright © 2018 by Timothy Krause is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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