
Malee asks about the weather

woman with cell phone
She is Malee.


downtown Portland park on a sunny day
She lives in Portland. The weather is beautiful today.


woman with cell phone
She calls her parents. They live in California. “How is the weather today?”


older man and woman sitting at a table outside, using a cell phone
“It’s nice. It’s warm and sunny.”


woman with cell phone
Malee’s aunt lives in Thailand. She calls her aunt. “How is the weather today?”


woman in hot weather, wiping her neck with a handkerchief
“It is very hot today.”


man using his cell phone to send a text
Her friend is Ahmed. He lives in Seattle. Malee texts Ahmed.



Text between Ahmed and Malee: Hi, Ahmed! / Hi, Malee / How is the weather today? / It is cloudy and cool. How is the weather in Portland? / It is beautiful!


woman with hat, scarf, and gloves outside on a winter day
Her friend Laura is in Toronto.


woman with cell phone
“Hi, Laura. How is the weather in Toronto?”


woman with hat, scarf, and gloves outside on a winter day
“It’s cold and snowy. I have my hat, my scarf, and my gloves.”


woman with cell phone
Malee calls her friend Lou. He lives in England.  “How is the weather today?”


man outside in cold rain
“It’s cold and rainy. I need my umbrella.”


woman texting on her cell phone
Malee calls her friend Tom. “How is the weather in Spain?”


man with cell phone
“It is nice. I can eat lunch outside.”


woman with cell phone
Malee’s friend Susan is at the beach. “How is the weather?”


woman looking at bridge in the fog
“It is windy and foggy. I can’t see the ocean.”


woman with cell phone
Malee calls her husband. His name is Joe.


man sleeping in bed with cell phone
Joe doesn’t answer his phone.


Comprehension Questions



Discussion Question

How is the weather today? How was the weather yesterday?

Go to weather.com. How is the weather in your country?


All images of “Malee” by tiniroma at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.

“Pioneer Courthouse Square” by Steve Morgan is licensed under CC BY-SA 3.0

Image of “parents” by Witthaya Phonsawat at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.

“Red Hot” by Matthew Kenwrick is licensed under CC BY-ND 2.0

Image of “Ahmed” by nenetus at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.

Image of text message is public domain.

Images of “Laura” by adamr at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.

” Alpha shivering on the deck – Pub Bistro, Thredbo” by Alpha is licensed under CC BY-SA 2.0

Image of “Tom”  by stockimages at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.

Image of “Susan” is public domain.

Image of “Tom” by Tuomas_Lehtinen at FreeDigitalPhotos.net.




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Home and School Copyright © 2018 by Timothy Krause is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution 4.0 International License, except where otherwise noted.

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