

Thanks to Open Oregon Educational Resources and Statewide Program Director, Amy Hofer, who originally provided funds and guidance for the first edition of this textbook.

Thanks to Meggie Wright and Ian Coronado who represent and technically support Open Oregon Educational Resources on campus at Lane Community College in Eugene, Oregon.

Humble admiration and HUGE appreciation to the extraordinary Skye Nguyen and her amazing team of helpers in the Academic Technology Center at Lane Community College. Thanks also to Max my original student helper who learned Pressbooks with me as we muddled through the first edition.

Appreciation and awe also goes to Charlene R. Newbold, a professional librarian, who proofread the whole text and offered suggestions while starting a new job, buying a house, and moving–all because her mother was my best friend in college.

Many COMM 115 students have generously made comments and suggestions that led to clarification and improvements in this second edition. This OER is our gift to those who come after you.

Lastly, and maybe most importantly, my own children—Ted, Chris, and Addy. The world that we have shared is reflected in this book. I am in awe of the places that you will go.

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