
Assignment 1: Understanding Your Self-Concept


The purpose of this assignment is to help you understand your own self-concept, self-esteem, and self-efficacy. For this assignment, you will work independently.

Learning Objectives

LO1. Compare and contrast self-concept, self-esteem, and self-efficacy.

LO2. Apply self-concept, self-esteem, and self-efficacy to personal experiences.

LO3. Discuss how social and family influences, culture, and media influence self-perception.

LO4. Compare and contrast personal, social, and cultural identities.


The time estimated to complete this activity is 45-60 minutes.


You will be completing several short surveys to learn more about your self-concept, self-esteem, and self-efficacy. Please use the links below to complete each survey. Make sure you save a copy of your results for each survey.

VIA Character Strengths Inventory

This online survey is meant to determine what characteristics make up your self-concept. It has 96 items and will take about 15-20 minutes to complete. You will need to register for the site. After you have completed your inventory click on the “PDF Results” button to download and save a pdf copy of your results.

Rosenburg Self-Esteem Scale

This online survey is meant to rate self-esteem feelings by measuring both positive and negative feelings about the self. It has 10 questions and will take about 3-5 minutes to complete. After you have completed your inventory, please save a copy of your Summary Snapshot Report. You will need to take a screenshot and save it to a Word or Google Doc file for a later activity.

General Self-Efficacy Scale

This online survey is meant to assess the sense of perceived self-efficacy to check how you cope with daily situations and stressful life events. It has 10 questions and will take about 3-5 minutes to complete. After you have completed your survey, please save a copy of your results using the Print button at the bottom of the survey to download and save a pdf copy of your results.

After you have completed these surveys, please address the following questions in a 200-400 word written response. Follow formal writing conventions using complete sentences and checking spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Separate your answers into different paragraphs for each question to make grading easier.

  1. Discuss the similarities and differences between self-concept, self-esteem, and self-efficacy. Based on your survey results and your thoughts about them, how are they related to each other? Do you think that having a very high or very low score for one of these concepts will impact the others, why or why not
  2. Based on what you included in your “Who am I?” creative work, which identities are the most important to you (personal, social, cultural)? What aspects of your life do you think were most influential in how you see your identity?
  3. Discuss any hardships you have experienced, or that you have seen in media for people who share an identity you have, and how you think those could be addressed.



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