
Assignment 10: Workplace Success Skills


The purpose of this assignment is to help you identify skills to keep track of your career progress. For this assignment, you will work independently.

Learning Objectives

LO1. Describe the various soft skills valued in the workplace.

LO3. Compare and contrast the different types of communication used in the workplace.

LO4. Apply the Plan-Do-Check-Act strategy to personal and workplace experiences.


The time estimated to complete this activity is 45-60 minutes.


After you have completed these surveys, please address the following questions in a 200-400 word written response. Follow formal writing conventions using complete sentences and checking spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

  1. What soft skills do you possess from the top 10 soft skills list in the reading? How can you use these skills across different jobs/careers? Give an example. What can you do to develop the soft skills you are lacking?
  2. Imagine that you have to send an important message to your boss that needs to be read as soon as possible. Write a texting version and an e-mail version of the message. Make sure to follow the guidelines and recommendations given in the textbook.
  3. Use the Plan-Do-Check-Act strategy to evaluate where you are in your career. Describe each of the steps as you use them and describe how you will use this information to help you with your career development.


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