
Assignment 3: Identifying Your Goals


The purpose of this assignment is to help you identify specific goals that you want to pursue and develop a personal action plan to carry them out. For this assignment, you will work independently.

Learning Objectives

LO1. Compare and Contrast intrinsic and extrinsic motivation.

LO2. Identify the benefits of goal setting.

LO3. Apply the SMART Goals framework to a specific goal you have.

LO5. Apply principles of mindset and grit to personal and workplace experiences.


The time estimated to complete this assignment is 45-60 minutes.


In order to achieve your goals, you first need to define your goals. Think about what long-term goals you want to accomplish in different goal areas. You will use the worksheet below to identify Academic Goals and Personal Goals. Then you will break your identified long-term goals down into mid-term goals and short-term goals.

Your goals should be phrased as positive statements. Identify goals that are linked to your own performance, rather than dependent on the actions of other people or situations beyond your control. Be realistic but optimistic and ambitious. The goals you set should be achievable, but reach a little higher than what you think may think is possible. Use the SMART goal criteria. Your goals should be specific, measurable, and with clear deadlines.


Example Long-Term Goals

  • I plan to graduate with a Bachelor of Fine Arts degree in four years. My major will be Radio-Television-Film, and my minor will be Spanish.
  • I will implement a regular exercise schedule where I run four times a week for three miles each run.

Example Mid-Term Goals

  • I will transfer to the State University after two years at Community College.
  • I will run three times a week for 2 miles each run.

Example Short-Term Goals

  • I will get an A on my upcoming exam.
  • I will get an app that tracks my mileage and distance.


Please download and complete the worksheets “Identifying Your Goals” and “Personal Action Plan” below and fill them out. 

Identifying Your Goals Worksheet

Personal Action Plan Worksheet

After you have finished, please address the following questions in a 200-400 word written response. Follow formal writing conventions using complete sentences and checking spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Separate your answers into different paragraphs for each question to make grading easier. Once you have finished answering the questions, please save and upload your completed sheets in addition to answering the questions.

  1. Give an example of when you have been intrinsically motivated and extrinsically motivated to accomplish a task. Which type of motivation was more helpful for you? Why?
  2. Why is goal setting helpful? Do you think that you will engage in goal setting beyond this course? Why or why not?
  3. How can you use what you learned about mindset and grit to help you be successful in your workplace?

Make sure you have also uploaded your complete Goals and Action Plan worksheets with your answers!



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