
Assignment 6: Perceiving Social Media Influencers


The purpose of this assignment is to help you understand the attributions you make and impressions you form of others. For this assignment, you will work independently.

Learning Objectives

LO1. Identify attributions and impressions of others.

LO2. Describe the role that culture plays in the perception of others.

LO3. Apply strategies for improving perception of self-others to personal and work experiences.


The time estimated to complete this activity is 45-60 minutes.


Look up a social media influencer (YouTube, Instagram, Tiktok, Twitter, etc.) of your choice and view some of their content. Please address the following questions in a 200-400 word written response. Follow formal writing conventions using complete sentences and checking spelling, grammar, and punctuation.

  1. Provide a link to an example of content that you viewed from this influencer. Make sure it is appropriate for an academic setting. What is or was your first impression of this influencer? Is it positive or negative, why? (Primacy Effect) Describe a behavior you noticed about this influencer. Why do you think they engage in this behavior? And is your explanation an internal or external attribution?
  2. How has your own culture influenced how you perceive this influencer?
  3. Discuss one of the strategies to improve perception of others that you can use in your workplace interactions. How do you think this strategy will help you?


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